
A comic strip about Joe Consultant's life and other commonly experienced joys of the consulting world.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

[Click on Comic to Enlarge]


Consultants Must Be Able to Embrace Change

Artist's Notes:

This comic is pretty sad. For those of you who travel on a regular basis to get to your projects you will understand what this means. For those of you that don't I hope you can empathize with the how crazy traveling every week can get. You literally forget where you are some days. Each city in this crazy country of ours starts to look the same after a while. I call them the cookie cutter cities. It is as if someone has taken a giant cookie cutter and punched out multiple versions of the same city all over our land. There are a few exceptions to this rule that I hope the chain stores and restaurants are never able to fully conquer and take away their identity. But for the most part I can go to a Maggianos or a Cheesecake factory within fifteen minutes of my client site no matter where it is and never once get the same server who will say, "The usual Mr. M." I sure do miss the good old mom and pops.

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